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You can change the way girls feel about their periods. #SupportYourSisters

Kenyan girls believe that menstruation is the most significant barrier to their schooling. 


Where we work taboos and stigmas associated with periods keep girls away from school one week out of every four. This means on average a girl is missing out on at least 20% of her education simply because of her period. 


By delivering essential menstrual health education we’re shedding stigmas and giving girls the knowledge and confidence they need to safely manage their periods. This can mean the difference between dropping out of primary school and completing their education. 


Your support will remove barriers to learning so that girls can earn and learn more allowing them to lift themselves out of poverty. 


Learn more about the impact of your donations > 

School Girl, Bomet County

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Buy Period Pride Merch.

Spread Period Pride by wearing something from our wonderful collection.



Make a Donation.

#SupportYourSisters by helping us educate an entire generation in Bomet County about their periods. 


Plan a Fundraiser.

Throw an event to fundraise for Period Pride and smash some menstrual taboos!


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