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In our recent household survey, 25% of women said that they feared they would be harmed whilst changing their menstrual materials.


By providing girls with access to female-friendly latrines where they can manage their periods safely and effectively, we are helping to keep girls in school so that they can keep learning and realise their full potential.


By Linking your Loo, Dig Deep and its partners can provide essential hygiene education, encouraging communities to adopt good hygienic practices to maintain a safe and clean environment, and motivate people to construct their own latrines.


Your donation will not only provide girls with access to a safe place to go to the loo, but will also provide menstruation education to school children and access to clean water. All of this will keep girls in school and break down taboos which restrict girls and women and create a safe environment that promotes dignity where they feel empowered.

Link Your Loo Logo Blue.png

Who can link their loo?


​Anyone! Buy as a gift for an individual/family or Link Your Loo at home by following the link above. You will be provided with a Limited Edition Period Pride digital certificate.


​You can also link a block of loos at a school in Kenya for your company, school or organisation by contacting us at


Why £50?


By donating £50 today and Linking your Loo we can transform the provision of clean water, safe sanitation and good hygiene in Bomet County; protect the environment; and help marginalised children and families lift themselves out of poverty.


​For more information about our work in Bomet County, click here >>


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