We're working hard to shed the stigmas around periods in Kenya, but we cannot do it without your help. Get involved with Period Pride and help insure that we train a generation in Bomet County about menstruation.
Wherever you are there are loads of different ways for you to get involved, break taboos and raise life changing funds. Find out all about the different ways you can get involved below...
We would love to hear from you about your ideas to spread #PeriodPride wherever you are, so tag us on social or email us here.
We call it the
Your support creates ripples of change, and your contribution is the first drop that changes everything.
Poor menstrual health management can cause irritation and discomfort when menstruating. We know that by educating girls about their bodies and what to expect when menstruating, they can be better prepared to manage their periods correctly and stay healthy.
A girl misses 4 school days every month due to poor menstrual management. Your contribution will help to provide menstruation education, access to clean water and female-friendly latrines. All of this will keep girls in school so that they can keep learning and realise their full potential.
Empowerment for women
Where we work menstruation is a taboo topic. Feelings of shame can scar the psyche and confidence of young girls at a crucial time in their lives. By educating girls and boys on menstruation, we are breaking down the taboos which restrict girls and women and instead, creating an environment where they feel empowered.
We know that for every year a girl stays in education in Kenya, she will earn between 10% and 25% more in her lifetime. By unlocking the potential of young girls, they will be able to earn more in the future and lift themselves, and their families out of poverty.
Periods are natural. They should not be a shameful or lonely experience. By providing education to girls and boys we are creating a safe environment that promotes dignity and brings happiness.