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Uni Student, UK

Over half of the world menstruate.


You, your sisters, mothers, aunties, wives, friends and children.


Yet so many still feel shame and secrecy around one of the most natural processes in the world.​


This has got to change.


That's exactly why we're on the lookout for enthusiastic Period Patrons to get involved, raise some money and fund our vital work in Kenya. 


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88% of girls in Kenya would not be comfortable discussing menstruation with their mother. â€‹


We want people who want to shed the stigma surrounding periods by breaking the status quo.


Could that be you? 


Become a Period Patron and raise awareness and vital funds for Period Pride. Ensuring that girls in Kenya can receive the training they need.​


Host a Period Party

Why don't you celebrate Period Pride and hold a fabulous Period Pride Party? We have lots of resources to get you started.


Become a Period Patron

We're on the look out for Period Patron's to raise awareness of the Period Pride campaign - find out more below. 


Do your own thing!

Fancy climbing a mountain? Organising a bake sale? Hosting a pub quiz? Get in touch with us for support.

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Joanna Scott is a Period Patron. Hear her thoughts:


"I was over the moon to hear about Dig Deep’s Period Pride campaign. As a Yoga Therapist working in schools in central London I talk regularly to young people, especially young girls, about their bodies.  


Growing up I felt a huge amount of shame and discomfort around my menstrual cycle and I found that shame silencing. 


I feel passionate that all girls deserve to feel pride over their bodies and their menstrual cycles and that education is the main catalyst for this. By getting involved with Dig Deep’s period pride campaign I hope that periods can be celebrated, and more young people can have an accurate understanding of every part of the menstrual cycle."


Joanna had a busy 2019 fundraising for Period Pride, including planning a Yoga Class at Latham Law Firm, a Spoken Word Event, 'Give Aunt Flo the Mic', as well as holding several wine tastings and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro!

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Period Patron Sign Up

We need wonderful people just like you to spread #PeriodPride and to help us achieve our goals of educating an entire generation in Bomet County about their periods. 


If you're interested in Supporting Your Sisters, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch very soon!

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