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2016 - our year in numbers

2016 has been a funny one hasn't it. But here at Dig Deep, it has been fantastic. One of our very best in fact. We have delivered a record amount of training and transformed schools and communities across Bomet and Narok counties in Kenya.

Our year in numbers

TAPS This year we have constructed community rainwater harvesting systems in 3 communities and built rainwater harvesting systems in 9 schools. Those tanks and taps are serving at least 6267 people at any one time, and in the next 5 years, could benefit as many as 10,746 people.

Rainwater harvesting systems are a simple and effective solution to providing a safe water source by constructing guttering on existing school and community buildings or artificial roofs and filtering the water into tanks.

TOILETS This year we have constructed latrines in 10 schools that are benefiting at least 3,276 people at any one time, and in the next 5 years, could benefit as many as 7,338 people

Dig Deep’s ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrines are built from concrete and solid foundations to stop sinking and are equipped with ventilation pipes and fly screens to make them safer and more pleasant for the students.

TRAINING We have conducted training at 42 schools, directly benefiting 13,011 children and in the next 5, could benefit as many as 28,907 people through its roll-out in schools.

Our training benefits wider communities too, as children pass on their learning to their families.

That means the training we have delivered this year will also benefit up to 47,749 people indirectly, and could lead to behaviour change in as many as 106,957 people in the next 5 years.

Dig Deep’s training includes teaching good water, sanitation and hygiene practices which ensure students keep themselves healthy and that the projects are used effectively. We also run menstrual hygiene training, breaking down stigma and giving girls the knowledge and tools they need to continue their education whilst menstruating.

Awesome huh!

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